خمسة أعوام على إبداء الرأي االستشاري لمحكمة العدل الدولية

This report provides an overview of the humanitarian impact of the Barrier, highlighting the central role it plays in the system of access and movement restrictions, and continuing fragmentation of the West Bank. It examines the impact on urban areas, on the closed area communities isolated between the Barrier and the Green Line, and on the rural communities which are primarily affected by the permit and gate regime. A chronology, basic facts and figures and the latest Barrier projections are also included. The second part provides a graphic overview of the route and impact on the eight affected West Bank governorates which the Barrier runs through. Accompanying each map is an overview of the impact of the Barrier in the governorate; the number and type of crossings (checkpoints and gates); and information boxes to illustrate concerns caused by the Barrier in the specific governorate.