The Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin | May 2018

فريق طاقم طبي يقدم إسعافات الأولية للجرحى شرق خانيونس © - حقوق الصورة: منظمة الصحة العالمية
Over 13,000 Palestinians injured since the start of the Gaza demonstrations, exceeding the number of injuries during the 2014 hostilities, and further straining the already limited capacity of Gaza’s health system. The continuation of food assistance programmes targeting over 1.2 million poor Palestinians in the Gaza Strip during the second half of 2018 is at risk due to severe funding shortfalls. 84 settler attacks resulting in Palestinian casualties or property damage in the first four months of 2018, the highest such figure since 2014. Palestinian Bedouin community in the outskirts of East Jerusalem, in Area C of the West Bank, at heightened risk of forcible transfer, following a final ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court.