Humanitarian needs overview 2018 | Dashboard

The humanitarian context of the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) is unique amongst today’s crises and remains directly tied to the impact of the occupation, which marked its 50th year in June 2017. Across the oPt, one in two Palestinians, or roughly two and a half million people, will need some form of humanitarian assistance in 2018. The protracted nature of the crisis in the oPt demands greater coherence and synergies between humanitarian and development assistance. The humanitarian community in the oPt therefore endeavored to provide a deeper analysis of vulnerability in the 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), identifying the categories of vulnerable groups and drivers of vulnerability that are common to both the humanitarian and development sectors. The analysis and figures presented in the 2018 HNO and below are based on the cluster data collection conducted in the last quarter of 2017.