West Bank Movement and Access Update | Sep. 2012

The closed side of Beit Einun junction leading to Hebron City
The period between July 2011 and June 2012 was characterized by mixed trends regarding the system of internal movement and access restrictions implemented by the Israeli authorities within the occupied West Bank. A series of significant easing measures improved the connectivity between several villages and the nearest city and service center. However, little change was registered during this period in terms of the restrictions affecting Palestinian access to large rural areas, including those located behind the Barrier, in the Jordan Valley, and in the vicinity of Israeli settlements; movement within the Israeli-controlled part of Hebron City also remained severely restricted. Most of the restrictions addressed in this report are related, in one way or another, to the Israeli settlements established in contravention of international law. This includes restrictions aimed at protecting the settlements, securing areas for their expansion, and improving the connectivity between settlements and with Israel itself.
Testimonies from the Biddu Enclave
Part 1