The Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin | October 2018

ילדים ממלאים מים מנקודת חלוקה במחנה הפליטים א־שאטי, 2017 / © צילום: משרד האו״ם לתיאום עניינים הומניטריים
ילדים ממלאים מים מנקודת חלוקה במחנה הפליטים א־שאטי, 2017 / © צילום: משרד האו״ם לתיאום עניינים הומניטריים

Electricity supply in Gaza increased up to 18 hours a day in some areas, following the provision of additional fuel to operate the Gaza Power Plant. Only 22 per cent of patients injured during the Gaza demonstrations, who were referred for follow- up surgery in the West Bank or Israel have been granted Israeli exit permits. 97 per cent of ground water extracted in Gaza is unfit for human consumption, generating the risk of a waterborne disease outbreak. The number of Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians and their property during 2018 grew by 57 and 175 per cent, compared with 2017 and 2016, respectively.